Annual Civil Service Award
In recognition of the dedicated
service of civil servants, Hon’ble Member Tashi Chhozom and 14 secretariat
officials were awarded medals by the Hon’ble Chairperson today as per the Civil
Service Rules & Regulations. The award recipients were as follows; Hon’ble
Member Tashi Chhozom- Gold Medal Mr. Pema Y. Rinzin - Gold Medal Mr. Thinley
Wangchuk - Silver Medal Mr. Sonam Phuntsho - Silver Medal Mr. Tshering Dorji-
Bronze Medal Ms. Sonam Yangzom- Bronze Medal Ms. Karma, - Bronze Medal Ms.
Dechen - Bronze Medal Mr. Sangay Rinchen – Bronze Medal Mr. Sonam Penjore
–Bronze Medal Ms. Sonam Tshomo-Bronze Medal Ms. Dechen- Bronze Medal Ms. Dema
Tamang-Bronze Medal Mr. Tshewang Dorji- Bronze Medal Ms. Jamyang Dema- Bronze
Medal Congratulating all the award recipients, the Hon’ble Chairperson also
stressed the importance of the secretariat officials' role in preserving the
institutional memory and collaborating with Members to fulfill the duties of
the National Council as a House of review. The National Council fraternity
acknowledges the medal recipients for their continued commitments and services
to the nation.
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